Think back to a time when you knew someone who was a State Champion? Think about what kind of commitment it takes to rise to that level of accomplishment. Our guy Miguel knows exactly what it takes. He finished first in the state in wrestling. Some people might consider him “born lucky” as if genetics were the only reason he succeeded, but then you look at his GPA of 3.9 and you start to put a picture together of a kid who is just 100% committed to anything that’s placed in front of him. That goes for his orthodontic treatment too.
Miguel lives in a community where volunteer opportunities are slim for kids so Miguel had to be inventive in order to fulfill the ASK requirement of 4 hours per month. Besides his work at Goodwill, his school and Senior Citizens, he also helped with baseball field maintenance and yardwork for his whole neighborhood. It’s just his personality to make sure he is keeping his end of the bargain.
We are thankful to have worked with both Dr. Elgin and Miguel to make this orthodontic treatment come together and we encourage Miguel to help other kids who may have challenges in life to rise above the teasing and the bullying of people who don’t understand how damaging it is.