"Jaylynne is soooo happy and the transformation is amazing. I can’t thank you all enough for what you’ve all done for her. It was such an insecurity and has made a world of difference." - Mom
Like others in the ASK program, Jaylynne has felt what it's like to go through school, suffering from excessive name calling and bullying from other kids. Think about the amount of energy needed to learn new things every day. Now think about all the energy that kids with crooked teeth have to spend in addition to that, navigating the school hall frenzy, trying to dodge and deflect attacks.
That's where ASK help where we can. Together with orthodontists like Dr. Wade Haslam from Valleyview Orthodontics, who treated Jaylynne, we have seen significant proof that by removing some obvious social barriers, the kids are able to devote their energy to learning and growing, instead of defending themselves.
Our goal is always to attempt to help the kids in our program, graduate from high school and find a career focus. Whether that includes a vocation, trade or academic education is up to each child, but we would like to say we have helped open some doors with our grade requirement and the ASK volunteer requirement.